A Life of Joy, Growth & Intention Awaits You

Together we can make the journey easier, and faster to the God-honoring life you were always meant to enjoy.  I’ll help you to develop a healthy, faith-based, and successful roadmap to the life you’ve known deep in your heart was always waiting for you.  We’ll focus on:

Your Purpose

Discover your purpose

Your Gifts

Develop your God given gifts

Your Relationships

Strengthen your connections

Your Path

Reveal your next best steps

Nice to Meet You!

Hi there!  I’m Angela and I am so glad you have landed here.

Helping people just like YOU to find the rich and fulfilling life God intended for them is my life passion.  I can’t wait to help you find yours!


For all of us walking this path, sometimes it can be trying and hard to navigate, especially on our own.  My prayer is that our work together can be of help to you on your journey. 


I have a rich background of education and experiences counseling others from all walks of life, economic situations, and often with a vast array of mental and physical challenges too.  


Your life’s success with God’s chosen path is within reach, and it is time for you to claim that which your soul has long been whispering to you.


Let’s do this!  

Counseling Vs. Coaching

Coaching goes beyond counseling by focusing on unlocking potential, setting goals, and taking action, empowering individuals to create positive and lasting change in their lives.

  • Present and future focused
  • Emphasizes personal growth, self-discovery, and unlocking untapped potential
  • Proactive and results-oriented
  • Fosters self-empowerment and accountability
“Finally, brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~ Philipians 4:8

My Process

We will schedule a session to meet. This is a time for me to ask you questions about where you are in your life, what are areas of your life you would like to focus on, what your spiritual, relational, educational, vocational, and/or physical goals are. But the most important thing is that this is a valuable time for you to ask me questions! We will be working closely together, and it is important for you to find the right fit for you. I pray I am the right fit for you but if not, I would love to help guide you to the best option for you.

We will begin mapping out short-, mid-, and long-term goals for each of the areas you would like to focus on. This is a time for you to have A LOT of input. My job will be to help you think of questions and options you may not have thought of yet and begin to look at how your goals are REALISTICALLY going to fit into your life.

We will meet regularly to discuss progress on your short-term goals, what is
helping you forward, what is holding you back, and adjusting the action plan as needed. We will continue this phase until your goals are met and you have accomplished what you intended.

We will meet to look back at all your hard work focusing on how your faith has deepened, what God has poured out over you, and how you have used your God given gifts to not only change your life for the better but also those around you.

Client Love Notes


I have been working with Angela for a year and a half now and am so thankful to have found her. When we first met, I was facing some difficult personal matters and it was hard to see when the stress would let up. Through her coaching I have learned more about myself and gained stress coping mechanisms. As life has calmed down, we continue to dig deeper. I feel I have grown a stronger understanding of my desires and how to achieve them through the help and support she has provided.


Founder & CEO

Angela has always met the people where they are at and worked to help them through it. Angela is one that never wants to see people remain stuck in the circumstances that can be worked through. Her 23 years in the field of coaching have benefited so many individuals and families, I have seen first hand results of this and am proud to have called her colleague and more to call her friend!


My Services

No matter where you are in life, or where you want to journey to, there is a solution for every step.
  • Clarity and Action: Navigating Life's Curve Balls

  • Transformative Journey: Navigating Major Life Changes

  • Thriving Transformation: Embracing Major Life Changes

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