My mission is to Help you Find God's Intended Path For You

I have worked as a sole proprietor since 2005 helping others make monumental changes to their lives.


I have worked with couples, young adults, children, those with mental illness and/or sobriety issues, and a vast array of others all striving to make better choices in their lives, just like you are.


Helping others has truly always been my life’s passion. After taking a short break due to a major move, I am so glad God has given me this opportunity to step back into helping others and using my talents for His


I look forward to connecting with you soon and being a part of your journey towards your God’s intended purposeful, and joy-filled life!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~ Philipians 4:8

All Things Through Prayer

Noble and True: Christian Life Coaching, LLC was born from a tremendous amount of prayer and petition.

My husband and I made the decision to make a major move in 2022. After praying about how God would use my gifts now, He has shown through our own experience that there is a great need for Christians to partner with other Christians.

Noble and True was born to help guide other Christians towards becoming what God intended for them to be and to follow His will to use their gifts and talents.


God Loving People

And that means you. Because there’s nothing I love more than hanging out with and helping God’s children live their best lives. 

Meaningful Living

Like Drenda Keesee says, “There is no greater reward in this life than having your family together, loving one another, and serving God.” 

Living In God's Joy

Because joy is contagious and God intended our lives to be fulfilled.  I’m here for spreading the joy. That’s just how I roll.

Personal Mission Statement

As a Christian life coach, I passionately walk beside those seeking to follow God’s path for their lives. I have found that this allows them the space to unearth their God-given gifts, talents, and potential…enabling them to make positive and lasting changes to their lives! When God’s people walk strong, nothing is impossible!

Business Mission Statement

Noble and True: Christian Life Coaching, LLC exists to serve you by helping you uncover your God-given gifts and talents to lead a meaningful and God-honoring life. All of us were created to be in relationship with God and others, both professionally and personally. By meeting you right where you are, and building on your strengths, I’ll help you to develop your long and short-term goals in all areas of your life. God has blessed you with so many unique traits, talents, and gifts. Let’s uncover those and live out your God-given purpose!

Hubby and I are cat parents to one very domineering cat, Maggie.  She is the queen of the house…or so she says.

Bare feet!

Now that we live in Texas, this is something this Yankee can’t live without.

…the country! I grew up in a rural community in Indiana. My father was/is a farmer (do they ever really retire?) and my mom was a nurse. She still kisses booboos for grandkids free of charge. I have two younger brothers that were my mortal enemies/play mates growing up. I can’t imagine growing up without them!

When he tries to tell me a math joke and waits for me to get it. He has high hopes.

Designated Survivor. I love action, adventure, and suspense without cuss words and inappropriate scenes. This is a good one!

This is a two-pronged answer. My favorite unhealthy food is nachos. Since I am working to lower my cholesterol it is chicken sausages in sautéed veggies with Greek spices.

I would say my husband and I took a big leap. We grew up and lived
most of our adult lives in Indiana and have a lot of family and friends there. We felt God leading us to Texas and decided to follow that calling after days, weeks, and months of prayer. We were hesitant as our parents are aging, we have a strong community there, and we love Indiana. But we followed where we know God was leading and it’s so exciting to see Him starting to open ministry opportunities here!
So, we are now Texans! YeeHaw!